In Business for Over 20 Years
About Dr. Lois Sharp
Experience and Education

Psychology, as a means to guiding people through their problems and toward well-being, is a subject that has fascinated me throughout my adult life. My undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degrees have all been earned in psychology. In 2002, I was licensed as a clinical psychologist in the State of California. And in 2004, through postgraduate education, training, and demonstrated experience, I earned my credentials as a Diplomat of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy. In February of 2010, I became a member of the Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapies.
My clinical experience stretches back to 1991, when I first served on a suicide/crisis phone line, and includes the years I have spent in private practice. I have served as an adjunct professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies and as an adjunct assistant professor at the Pacific Graduate School of Psychology, as well as having co-written and presented research papers with my colleagues.
For more details on my credentials, please see Curriculum Vitae.
Professional Associations
Psychologists are licensed by the California Board of Psychology. For any questions or complaints, you may contact them at any of the following:
+1 (866) 503-3221
Board of Psychology
1422 Howe Avenue, Suite 22
Sacramento, CA 95825